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Amazing Health Benefits of the Common Potato

Potatoes are one of the most common and important food sources on the planet, and they contain a wealth of health benefits that make them all the more essential as a staple dietary item for much of the world’s population. These health benefits include their ability to improve digestion, reduce cholesterol levels, boost heart health, protect from polyps, prevent cancer, and manage diabetes. They strengthen the immune system, reduce signs of aging, protect the skin, increase circulation, reduce blood pressure, maintain fluid balance, reduce insomnia, and aid in eye care.Health Benefits of Potatoes

Health benefits of potatoes include the following:

Promote Weight Gain

Potatoes are primarily made of carbohydrates and contain very little protein. This makes them an ideal diet for lean and thin people who desperately want to put on weight. [3] The vitamin content includes vitamin C and B-complex, which also help in proper absorption of carbohydrates. That is one of the reasons that potatoes make up a large part of the diet of sumo wrestlers, as well as many other athletes who need large energy reserves in order to compete!

Easy to Digest

Since potatoes predominantly contain carbohydrates, they are easy to digest and they also facilitate digestion. [4] This property makes them a good diet for babies or for those who cannot digest hard food, but need energy. However, remember that eating too many of them on a regular basis may cause acidity over time. Potatoes also contain a considerable amount of fiber or roughage, which is more in raw potatoes and cold ones than boiled or hot ones. This stimulates peristaltic motion and increases secretion of gastric juices, which eases digestion and prevents conditions like constipation while protecting the body from serious conditions like colorectal cancer. Fiber is also connected with scraping cholesterol out of the arteries and blood vessels, thereby improving heart health.

Skin Care

Vitamin C and B-complex, as well as minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, are good for the skin. [5] Apart from that, the pulp obtained from crushed raw potatoes, when mixed with honey, can work well in skin and face packs. This even helps cure pimples and spots on the skin. Again, this pulp, if applied externally on burns, provides quick relief and faster healing. Smashed potatoes and even water in which they have been washed are very good for softening and cleaning dark skin, especially around the elbows.

Treat Scurvy

The vitamin C present in potatoes can help prevent this disease, caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. [6] It is characterized by cracked lip corners, spongy and bleeding gums, and frequent viral infections. Although it is not found in first and second world countries as they have a ready access to vitamin C, it still exists in certain nations of the world, so the prolific presence of potatoes helps with this problem.

Treat Rheumatism

There are two parts to the effect of potatoes on this condition. Vitamins like calcium and magnesium help provide relief from rheumatism. Also, water obtained from boiling potatoes can relieve the pain and inflammation of rheumatism. However, due to high starch and carbohydrate content, they tend to increase body weight which may have adverse effects on rheumatic people.

Reduce Inflammation

Potatoes are very effective in reducing inflammation, both internal and external. [8] Since they are soft, easily digested, and have a lot of vitamin C (a very good antioxidant that repairs tissue wear and tear), potassium, and vitamin B6, they can relieve any inflammation in the intestines and the digestive system. They are a very good dietary element for those who have mouth ulcers as well. Therefore, people who suffer from arthritis and gout can use potatoes for their anti-inflammatory impact. However, potatoes can add to weight gain, which exacerbates these conditions, and are commonly eaten with meat and other rich foods that make gout worse, a fine balance must be struck.

Prevent Cancer

Certain types of potatoes, particularly red and russet ones, contain high levels of flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin A, like zeaxanthin and carotenes, and they can protect you against many types of cancer. [9] Also, a study at the Agricultural Research has shown that potatoes contain a compound called quercetin, which has been proven to have anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. Finally, the high levels of vitamin A and C, both have antioxidant properties that can protect your body from the devastating effects of cancer.

Lower Blood Pressure

Since high blood pressure can occur for a number of reasons that include diabetes, tension, indigestion, nutrient balance, diet, and many others, different treatments are required. Luckily, potatoes can alleviate multiple possible causes and can be used to relieve high blood pressure due to tension. [10] They can also treat indigestion due to an abundance of vitamin C and fiber within, but they should be avoided if the high blood pressure is a result of diabetes. The fiber present in them is helpful in lowering cholesterol and improving the functioning of insulin in the body, which aids in the lowering of blood pressure. This is because there is a direct relationship between blood pressure and the glucose level in the blood; insulin helps regulate that glucose level. Furthermore, the potassium found in potatoes (46% of daily requirement per serving) lowers blood pressure, since it functions as a vasodilator.

Proper Functioning of Brain

Proper functioning of the brain depends largely on the glucose level, oxygen supply, various components of the vitamin-B complex, and certain hormones, amino acids and fatty acids like omega-3. Potatoes cater to almost all the needs mentioned above. They are high in carbohydrates, and thereby maintain good levels of glucose in the blood. This prevents the brain from letting fatigue creep in and it keeps your cognitive activity and performance high. Next, the brain needs oxygen, which is carried by the hemoglobin in the blood; its main constituent is iron.

Potatoes contain iron as well. Therefore, they help deliver oxygen to the brain as well. There are a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in potatoes that positively affect the function of the brain, including phosphorus, zinc, and the B complex vitamins. The vasodilating properties of potassium have also been connected to stimulation of brain function due to increased blood flow to it.

Prevent Heart Diseases

Apart from the vitamins (B-complex and C), minerals, and roughage, potatoes also contain certain substances called carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin). Carotenoids are beneficial for heart health and the functioning of other internal organs. Again, since potatoes raise the glucose level in the blood and their over-consumption may cause obesity, which puts pressure on your heart, you must be careful about how often you use potatoes for this health benefit. This method of preventing heart diseases is not recommended for obese people or diabetics.

Treat Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are caused mainly due to increased levels of uric acid in the blood. In such cases, foods high in protein should be avoided, particularly animal proteins such as meat, turkey, shrimp, fish, eggs, and milk, as well as spinach, raw plantain, black grams, and certain beans, which drastically increase the level of uric acid in the blood. Iron and calcium also contribute to the formation of stones. Potatoes are rich in both of these so logically, they wouldn’t fit in as a preventative measure for kidney stones, but they also contain magnesium, which inhibits the accumulation or deposition of calcium (calcification) in the kidney and other tissues, thereby proving beneficial for the treatment of renal calculi.

Treat Diarrhea

Potatoes are an excellent component of an energy-rich diet for those suffering from diarrhea since they are easy to digest and contain mild roughage. [14] However, eating too many potatoes can cause diarrhea due to the excessive ingestion of starch.

Potatoes are one of the richest sources of starch, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. 100g provides 70 calories, however, they contain very little fat (just 0.1 g per 100g) and no cholesterol. The dietary fiber in potato increases the bulk of the stool, thus, it helps prevent constipation, decrease absorption of dietary cholesterol and there by lower plasma LDL cholesterol. Additionally, the rich fiber content also helps protect from colon polyps and cancer. Potato is considered a reliable source of carbohydrates in diabetics. Fresh potato along with its skin is a good source of antioxidant and vitamins. Red potatoes contain a good amount of Vitamin A, and antioxidant flavonoids like carotenes and zeaxanthins. A recent study suggests that flavonoid antioxidant, quercetin present in potatoes contain anti-cancer and cardio-protective properties.

Organic Food or Not?

Wondering if Organics is a better choice (Find out here)

James O'Sullivan - that's me, a people friendly practitioner and lecturer of Integrated Medicine, serving my patients, my students and the public with the positive benefits of both Conventional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It's a wonderful life
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to diagnose or assess. The information provided is not to be considered a substitute for consultation with a qualified health care practitioner.
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Hypertension in the Ping-Yang Seaweed Culture Unit in the Province of Zhejiang, China, 110 cases of hypertension were treated by seaweed root powder; in 19 cases (17.3 percent), diastolic blood pressure was reduced by over 20mm of mercury and in 65 cases (5 9.1 percent), diastolic blood pressure was reduced by 10 to 19mm or to lower than 90mm of mercury and systolic blood pressure reduced by more than 20mm of mercury. The report concluded that the total effective rate of 76.4 percent was achieved and that seaweed roots are waste materials, readily available without any side effects, thus making the therapy both effective and economical. In a clinical report, 30 to 40g dried peanut plants were boiled to make tea as a daily dosage for 2 weeks; patients were instructed to drink the tea from peanut plants on an irregular basis after blood pressure returned to normal. Twenty cases of hypertension were treated by this method; the majority showed improvements within 3 days with a significant decrease in blood pressure (the mean value-systolic pressure was reduced by 29mm and diastolic pressure by 30mm of mercury). A patient of hypertension in Tianjin, China, wrote to an editor to say that he had been suffering from hypertension with dizziness and constipation for many years but had been unable to find a cure; subsequently, he began to eat 5 bananas every day, which eventually cured his disease.

A Chinese physician reported a 49-year-old female patient suffered from hypertension with occasional constipation, headache and dizziness; she had taken honey for 2 months, which reduced her blood pressure to normal and cured her constipation as well.

There are basically 3 ways to cope with hypertension, according to the Chinese Nutritional Therapy.

First, eat more foods that can soften the blood vessels, such as kelp, sea grass, mung bean sprouts, fruits and others, to prevent arteriosclerosis.

Second, use vegetable oils such as sesame, peanut, olive, sunflower and corn oil, instead of animal fats and oils to reduce the level of cholesterol; and avoid foods with a high cholesterol level, such as egg yolk, liver and kidneys.

Third, eat more foods that can reduce blood pressure, such as celery, hawthorn fruit, banana and persimmon.


  • Wash 500g fresh celery and squeeze out the juice; mix the juice with 50ml honey in a small pan. Divide and drink twice a day for 15 days. Leave a gap of 20 days and repeat.
  • Soak mung beans in water overnight; the next day, boil with an equal amount of seaweed and some rice. This recipe should be consumed on a regular basis.
  • Eat 1 to 2 fresh tomatoes on an empty stomach first thing in the morning for 15 days. Repeat from time to time as a treatment program. This is also good for constipation.
  • Cook 2 fresh tomatoes with 3 stalks of celery as soup; season with a little salt and drink this narural simple soup once a week.
  • Chop 750g water chestnuts and 750g radishes; squeeze out the juice; mix with a few teaspoonfuls honey. Drink the juice twice a day, half of the portion each time.
  • Fry 20g kelp with 20 black soybeans; boil kelp and soybeans in 3 cups water until water is reduced by half. Eat as soup.

I recommend that you regularly eat seaweed, mung beans, hawthorn fruit, clams and mung bean sprouts.

James O'Sullivan - that's me, a people friendly practitioner and lecturer of Integrated Medicine, serving my patients, my students and the public with the positive benefits of both Conventional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It's a wonderful life
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to diagnose or assess. The information provided is not to be considered a substitute for consultation with a qualified health care practitioner.
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