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Beetroot Detox Soup

Beetroot is nutritious and is loaded with energy and cleansing properties. Its rich in potassium, silica, iron, amino acids and vitamins A, vitamin B and vitamin C.

This soup takes just 45 Minutes to prepare and cook, giving you a delicious nutritious meal in a bowl, energises your detox system. A powerhouse!

Cook Time 45 mins                                         Total Time 45 mins

Servings: 2

Calories: 173kcal


  • 3 medium beet roots
  • 2 carrots finely diced
  • 1 onion finely diced
  • 2 garlic cloves crushed
  • 1 small leek finely diced
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 2 cups vegetable broth warm
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • 1 tbsp chia sunflower and pumpkin seeds, 1 teaspoon coconut milk, to garnish


Place the unpeeled beet roots in a pot, cover with water, bring to boil then simmer for 30 minutes until tender.

Drain from water and set aside to cool.

Heat the coconut oil in a cast iron skillet, add the onions, garlic, leek, and carrot and cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Remove from the heat and transfer onto a plate.

Peel the beet roots, cut into cubes, and add into the blender, together with the cooked vegetables and warm vegetable broth.

Process to obtain a smooth cream.

Season with salt and serve garnished with mixed seeds.

Beetroot is an ideal blood tonic for Blood Deficiency and is traditionally used in debilitating diseases and convalescence. Beef stock provides vital amino acids and nutrients for strengthening muscles and bones.

James O'Sullivan - that's me, a people friendly practitioner and lecturer of Integrated Medicine, serving my patients, my students and the public with the positive benefits of both Conventional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's a wonderful life
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to diagnose or assess. The information provided is not to be considered a substitute for consultation with a qualified health care practitioner.
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Liver Cleanse

A liver cleanse should be a natural protocol designed to detoxify, flush out and eliminate the liver of fatty deposits, built up toxins, and accumulated stones. Most liver cleanse programs also include a gallbladder cleanse which helps eliminate the gallbladder of gallstones. Liver stones are formed when excess cholesterol crystallises into small pebble size stones.

A liver cleanse usually involves eating a healthy organic diet and drinking a organic herbal formula (e.g. High Mountain Green Tea) that are specific to stimulate the liver and to soften any stones which the body can eliminate.

Day 1 and each day of your Liver Cleanse


Prepare at least 10 glasses of pure filtered water for each day. Water is an excellent detoxifier and will flush the liver of toxins. Drinking water will keep you hydrated, which naturally encourages cell regeneration. It will also allow the liver to filter out more toxins and residue, letting it work faster and increasing your energy level.


Minimize alcohol and caffeine intake. Alcohol and caffeine are two of the biggest culprits that deposit toxins in your liver and keep it from functioning properly. Cleanse your liver by reducing your intake of alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Replace these beverages with non-alcoholic beverages to allow your liver to regenerate, flush itself clean and function properly.

Natural Lemon

Drink lemon juice in water or tea once a day. Lemon juice stimulates the liver’s bile production to help flush out toxins. It also prevents the build-up of gallstones and promotes digestion and liver function in the movement of gastric juices.

Green Tea

Green tea is a powerful health forming drink, it is rich in catechins, a type of plant antioxidant that boosts liver function and helps reduce fat storage in the liver.

Natural Fruit Smoothies.

Fruits like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries all enhance the health of the liver. These fruits have organic acids that lower sugar blood levels, and will help you to burn fat, decreasing your chances of fatty liver diseases.

Life Giving Vegetables

Certain vegetables contain nutrients like beta carotene that stimulate liver cells and protect the liver from toxins. Dark, leafy greens like spinach encourage cell growth and stimulate the liver, while beets protect bile ducts in the liver from toxin damage. Aim for 6 to 7 servings of vegetables daily and include those that contain liver-aiding nutrients. Greens that promote liver health include dandelion greens, bitter gourd, arugula, mustard greens, chicory and spinach.


Garlic has sulfur-containing compounds that activate liver enzymes that work to flush out any toxins that might be in your system. Garlic also contains allicin and selenium, two nutrients that protect the liver from damages caused by toxins. These two nutrients also aid in the detoxification process. Don’t like the taste of garlic or want to protect your friends and family! Purchase garlic supplements at your local health store.


Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which promote a healthy liver cleanse. Grapefruit boosts detoxification enzymes in the liver and has a flavonoid compound known as naringenin which causes the liver to burn fat rather than store it.


Avocados are not only delicious., they are rich in glutathione producing compounds. These compounds help to prevent the liver from toxic overload. Try to eat avocados twice a week.


Walnuts have high levels of l-arginine (an amino acid) glutathione, and omega-3 fatty acids which help to cleanse the liver of disease-causing ammonia. Extracts of their shells are used in many liver-cleansing formulas.


Magnesium promotes bile production, which in turn promotes the cleansing of the liver. You can take magnesium supplements to increase your liver health. Another way to get your magnesium is by dissolving a tablespoon of Epsom salt in warm water and drinking this mixture once or twice a month. Epsom salt contains a high amount of magnesium.


Turmeric boosts the liver’s ability to produce bile, it should be added to your diet to form a key part of the liver-cleansing process. It has also been known to help regenerate damaged liver cells.

What to Avoid

Leave out the Ice“: Stop using ice because our bodies need to “cook” the food before we can absorb and metabolism it. Cold ice actually slows down optimal metabolism and inhibits the absorption of optimum nutrients.

Avoid processed foods that can damage to your liver. Foods that are processed and contain lots of preservatives, fats and cholesterol can cause the liver to become congested and clogged with fat residue. Clean out your liver by avoiding processed or fatty foods to allow the liver to unblock itself and regenerate cells.

Avoid fast food. In particular, try to avoid deep fried food or preserved meat (such as sausage, bacon, corned beef, etc.)

Avoid bad fats. Fatty red meat, deep fried food, and processed fats should all be avoided, as they can clog up your liver. Processed fats include margarine, shortening, and hydrogenated oils.

Avoid artificial sweeteners, colourings, and preservatives. It is best to go the natural route when cleansing your liver.


Stressful situations release hormones and endorphins in the bloodstream, which, in turn, deposit toxins in the liver and slow it down. Eliminate stress in any areas of your life that you can. Consider anti-stress activities like yoga and meditation.


Exercise helps you maintain a healthy body weight, which in turn lowers your risk of fatty liver disease. Exercise also improves the function of liver enzymes.

Organic Food or Not?

Wondering if Organics is a better choice (Find out here)

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James O'Sullivan - that's me, a people friendly practitioner and lecturer of Integrated Medicine, serving my patients, my students and the public with the positive benefits of both Conventional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's a wonderful life
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to diagnose or assess. The information provided is not to be considered a substitute for consultation with a qualified health care practitioner.
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Smiling Body Cleanse Detox

Congratulations this is the start of cleansing our body of toxins and recharging our digestive environment for a better future and smiling body.

Prepare with a low Inflammatory Diet

A few days before cleansing prepare to get the most out of your cleanse detox with a low anti-inflammatory, clean diet. If you can, start to eat clean two to five days in advance of your cleanse to prepare your body. If you don’t have the time, you will still benefit so don’t stress!

Anti Inflammation Resources:

Be Intentional

Set an intention for your cleanse, a commitment to changing something in your life. Why are you cleansing? What do you want to create? Heal? What will make your cleanse successful? Think about these questions, or even write them down. Setting an intention is an important part of cleansing both mind and body.

Include Organic Foods

  • Include all vegetables, especially those with dark vibrant colors, go for lots of dark green, purple, red, and yellow ingredients
  • In fact you can go for all fruits (except bananas, mango)
  • Sea vegetables are excellent organic wholesome food
  • Grains like brown rice, millet, quinoa, and amaranth
  • Any beans, legumes and lentils
  • Nuts and seeds (soaked is best)
  • Chicken, fish, eggs (free range)
  • Unfiltered cold-pressed flax, olive, sesame, sunflower, almond, coconut, hemp, macadamia nut oils; try not to heat oils, except for coconut which has a high smoke point.
  • Fermented foods like miso, sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Probiotic drinks like coconut kefir and kombucha

Hydrate Your Body

Drink 8 to 12 glasses filtered water daily (add things like liquid chlorophyll, minerals, or lemon juice, too). Have a taste of these delicious drinks.

Avoid These Anti Nutrients

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine drinks and coffee (switch to green tea if you get caffeine headaches)
  • Soft drinks
  • Red meat
  • Cured or processed meat (bacon, sausages, and the like)
  • Nonorganic animal flesh
  • White flour products (pasta, bread, cookies, crackers)
  • Foods that contain hydrogenated fats and preservatives
  • Refined sugars and all products containing them
  • Artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, NutraSweet
  • Dairy (milk, cheese)
  • Fried foods
  • All genetically modified foods
  • Canned foods
  • Cigarettes
  • Leave out the Ice“.

While you’re cleansing

What to do:

  • Begin each morning with a glass of warm water with lemon.
  • Sip on a juice every 2 hours throughout the day.
  • Take advantage of this time and start journaling.
  • If you have the ability/time, incorporate infra-red sauna, steams, colonics and/or acupuncture.
  • Nightly baths are a wonderful way to relax. Add Epsom salts, lavender essential oil, or use a detoxifying bath.
  • Make and drink Turmeric Cleansing Tea (visit here)

If you feel hungry…………

While cleansing gives your body the ultimate detox, we understand the need to incorporate food. Stick to organic fruits and vegetables (think avocado, blueberries, strawberries, leafy greens), soaked nuts.

Limit Your Exercise

Limit yourself to light exercise like walks, yoga, and stretching. Your energy levels tend to change during a cleanse, so pay attention to what your body wants.

Your Free Time

You can benefit even more from your cleanse with introspective activities like writing, meditation, nature walks, and soft music. Make sure you have the free time to take care of yourself and your body. I especially recommend meditation:

Post-cleanse diet

Ease Back into Normality

Ease into solid foods post-cleanse. Now is a time you can stick to your new eating habits. Take this opportunity to incorporate healthier dietary choices and lifestyle choices to be the best you.

Day 1
Incorporate fruits, vegetables, herbs, green juices, green smoothies and soaked nuts/seeds the first day.

Day 2
Add in heartier foods like protein smoothies, salads, and soups. E.g.


You can start eating proteins (organic pastured meat and fish) and gluten-free grains.

Foods you can eat without Restrictions.

  • Fruits and vegetables, especially those with dark pigments like kale and other dark leafy greens, tomatoes, red bell peppers, purple cabbage, blueberries, and cranberries.
  • Soaked nuts and seeds in small quantities.
  • Unfiltered cold-pressed flaxseed, olive, sesame, sunflower, almond, coconut, hemp, macadamia nut.
  • All green juices, vegetable juices.
  • Antioxidant-rich superfoods, such as acai, cacao, goji berries, spirulina, blueberries, maca, wheatgrass, hemp.
  • Fermented foods like raw sauerkraut, kefir, and miso to support a healthy gut and immune system.


Listen to your body. Continue to take the time to relax and ease into strenuous, sweat-inducing workouts. Remember your cleanse experience and try to incorporate some of it into your new daily regimen.

Organic Food or Not?

Wondering if Organics is a better choice (Find out here)

James O'Sullivan - that's me, a people friendly practitioner and lecturer of Integrated Medicine, serving my patients, my students and the public with the positive benefits of both Conventional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's a wonderful life
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to diagnose or assess. The information provided is not to be considered a substitute for consultation with a qualified health care practitioner.
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Raspberry Mint Healthy Beverage

Raspberry Mint Delicious Detox

This is one delicious healthy drinks that keep us on the healthy path and allows the body to detox and cleanse gently. This slightly sweet, slightly tangy drink helps to bust sugar cravings. I recommend sipping it throughout the day, it will fill you up, preventing you from overeating and helping you towards that healthy weight and Smiling Body.

Why not make several batches of this excellent detoxifying beverage, and drink it before meals and sip it throughout the day.

Note: If sparkling water doesn’t agree with your stomach, makes you feel too full or actually makes you feel bloated, simply substitute it with water.


  • 1 liter sparkling water
  • 8 raspberries
  • Sprig of mint
  • Juice of 1/2 lime (optional for alkalizing drink)


Pour water in a jug, add raspberries and mint. Leave in refrigerator overnight and drink at room temperature.


James O'Sullivan - that's me, a people friendly practitioner and lecturer of Integrated Medicine, serving my patients, my students and the public with the positive benefits of both Conventional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It's a wonderful life
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to diagnose or assess. The information provided is not to be considered a substitute for consultation with a qualified health care practitioner.
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Benefits of a Cleansing Detox

Nutritional Cleansing Detox

The question on most people’s lips would probably sound something like “Are Cleansing Detox programs really good for you?” and there would seem to be an equal amount of cautions and recommendations for cleansing or detoxing, which can make it confusing for the person looking for a better way to achieve wellbeing and a healthy weight. It is possible to get it wrong, however when completed correctly you can help your body and mind in several different ways. This article outlines some of the benefits you can expect by following some of the more well-organised Cleansing Detox programs out there.

Boosts Your Energy
There is no doubt that when Cleansing Detox correctly and properly, many people report feeling more energetic with some reporting excess vitality and mental clarity. When you think that while you are engaging with a correctly prepared Cleansing Detox program, you’ll be stopping the intake of the foods and other things that caused you to need a Cleanse Detox in the first place. By cutting out the sugar, caffeine, trans fat, saturated fat, and replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables, you’ll be getting a natural energy boost, one that comes without a consequential crash. It’s vital to stay well hydrated while on any Cleansing Detox program, and that can also be a source of increased energy if you typically don’t get enough water throughout the day.

Eliminate Excess Waste from the Body
Probably the most important benefit of a Cleansing Detox program, is assisting the body to purge itself of excess waste, usually stored in the colon (intestines). Most Cleansing Detox programs are designed to stimulate the body to cleanse itself, helping the liver, kidneys and colon (intestines) do what they do naturally. Cleansing the colon is an important part of the detoxing process because the toxins found there need to exit the body and a clogged colon can cause these toxins to multiply and cause us to become ill, rather than exiting as nature intended. Consuming fruits and vegetables during and after the Cleansing Detox program is a good way to keep things moving.

Helps with obtaining Healthy Weight
A properly created Cleansing Detox program can help you to lose weight and it is the start of establishing positive long-term eating habits, and relieve yourself of unhealthy habits. In the media, there is an emphasis on drastic reduction in calories and rapid weight loss however these short-term results won’t last if you don’t make it a habit to replace bad foods with good, and use your newfound energy to exercise more and be more active overall.

Stronger Immune System
When you have completed your Cleansing Detox program, your organs function more effectively. They are more efficient, more energetic and more useful. This helps to give your immune system a boost since you’ll be able to absorb nutrients better, including all the essential vitamins and minerals. Many of the herbs you take while on a Cleansing Detox program will help the lymphatic system, which plays a huge role in keeping you healthy and toxin free. Many Cleansing Detox programs also focus on light exercises which help to circulate lymph fluid through the body and helps it to drain, strengthening your immune system in the process.

Increased Mental Clarity
A good Cleansing Detox program will pay attention to your state of mind. Being mindful during eating helps us to be aware of the foods and beverages we are actually eating and drinking at the time, so the use of mindful meditation is recommended as a way to get back in touch with your body during this time of purging and cleansing of toxins. People say that they lose that sense of mental cloudiness, and are able to think more clearly during a detox than when not on it. It makes sense, since much of the foods that contain sugar and fat will cause us to feel lethargic and can feature heavily in the quality of our thinking.

Improved Skin
Your skin, being your largest organ, also benefits from your Cleansing Detox program. One way to help your cleansing efforts is to take a sauna to help the body sweat out additional toxins. You can expect clearer, smoother skin as you proceed with your program. It’s also been scientifically reported that a Cleansing Detox program can help with acne, although the condition may worsen before it gets better as the toxins are released. You may find that your skin itches or gets patchy before clearing up, but this is part of the process and is a sign that you’re on the right track with your program.

Better Breath
Follow a Cleansing Detox program that includes a colon (intestines) cleanse because those toxins need to be released from the body. When the colon is clogged, the resultant stench can back up to the mouth and result in bad breath. When your colon eliminates efficiently, your digestive system benefits by functioning well again. You may find that your breath improves. Be aware that your breath may actually worsen during the detoxing process, but when it’s finished it will be better. This is natural, and occurs as toxins are released from the body.

Promotes Healthy Changes
It’s hard to change a long-standing habit, and a Cleansing Detox program, no matter how long, is one way to put a wedge between your old ways and your new ones. If you have addictions to sugar, caffeine, fried, or crunchy foods, you can use a Cleansing Detox program to help you deal with those cravings. Often trying to eliminate these foods and beverages from our diet can be difficult unless we completely change our nutritional habits. This is where a Cleansing Detox program comes into its own by cleansing the body and replacing poor foods with healthier choices, you can retrain yourself and be more likely to stick to your new habits.

Healthier Hair
You’ll see and feel the difference in your hair, when your hair is able to grow uninhibited by internal toxins. By the time you can see your hair, it’s already considered dead, as all of its growth occurs within the hair follicle. This is why it’s important to keep your body functioning at its full potential through a Cleansing Detox program. In many instances hair gets shinier, and feels softer to the touch. Cleansing isn’t enough to stop male pattern baldness, but many report that their hair grows more quickly, a sign of healthier hair.

Lighter Feeling
One of the reported benefits of Cleansing Detox program is a feeling of being lighter. There are several reasons why this would be the case, especially if you’ll be doing a colon (intestines) cleanse as part of the program. When you stop eating foods that weigh you down, and replace them with fresh organic fruits and vegetables, a lighter feeling is bound to occur. It’s also important not to overeat while on your Cleansing Detox program, which will yield a lighter feeling, and will give you the energy you’ve been missing.

Anti-Aging Benefits
Ever heard of free radical activity. This is the activity caused by toxins and poor food and drink. many scientists now believe that aging is the result of free radical activity and that where we introduce “Anti oxidants” into our diet while eliminating poor nutrition, we could live longer and healthier. The constant barrage of toxins that the body has to deal with is one contributing factor to the aging process. By reducing the amount of free radical damage done to the body, you’re going to see not only short term benefits, but also long term benefits in an increased longevity. When you finish your Cleansing Detox program, it’s very important not to go back to the lifestyle that was causing the toxicity. Sticking to a improved diet and getting daily activity are great ways to make sure that you feel good each moment of your life.

Improved Sense of Wellbeing
The best Cleansing Detox program leaves you feeling great and certainly not worse. When you cleanse your digestive system, you feel good, and when you feel good, good things happen. Cleansing is often used strategically to lose weight or to start a new nutritional program, but really there’s no better reason than just to feel better. When you set the stage for wellbeing, you are going to improve all areas of your life, and you should see better relationships, better productivity at work, and a newfound or renewed zest for life.

James O'Sullivan - that's me, a people friendly practitioner and lecturer of Integrated Medicine, serving my patients, my students and the public with the positive benefits of both Conventional Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's a wonderful life
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to diagnose or assess. The information provided is not to be considered a substitute for consultation with a qualified health care practitioner.
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